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Kilt Hose

by CLAN Customer Service

Kilt hose are socks that are specifically designed to be worn with a kilt. They come in a variety of colors and styles, and are an important part of the traditional kilt outfit.

Kilt Hose are generally thicker than normal socks, so it is wise to allow an extra half size when choosing brogues or shoes to wear with them. The hose are usually made of a thick, durable material, and are designed to provide comfort and warmth when wearing a kilt.

Kilt hose are worn pulled up to just below the knee, and are typically worn with the tops of the hose visible above the top of the kilt hose. This allows the hose to be seen, and is an important part of the overall appearance of the kilt outfit. Your hose should be pulled to about 2-3 finger widths beneath the knee cap.

The hose should coordinate with the tartan of the kilt, and should be worn in a manner that is consistent with the traditional style of the kilt. Traditionally kilt hose would have been blue or green to tone with the kilt, or even chequered in a pattern to match the wearer’s tartan. Recently white or cream coloured hose have become more common, largely due to their popularity with the kilt hire trade, but these are often frowned on by traditionalists.

Kilt hose can be made of a variety of materials, including wool, cotton, or synthetic blends. They are typically sold in sets, with one pair for each leg, and may feature decorative details such as ribbing, cuffs, or embroidery. Wearing kilt hose is an important part of kilt etiquette, and is considered an important part of the kilt-wearing tradition.

Regimental kilt hose

Regimental kilt hose are a type of kilt hose that are specifically designed for use by members of military regiments. These hose often feature a specific pattern or design that is unique to the particular regiment, and may be worn with a kilt as part of the formal uniform.

Regimental kilt hose may feature the regimental crest, motto, or colors, and are an important part of the uniform that helps to identify the wearer as a member of a specific military unit. These hose are typically made of a durable, high-quality material, and are designed to withstand the rigors of military life.

In some regiments, the wearing of regimental kilt hose is mandatory, and they are considered an important part of the uniform. In other regiments, the wearing of regimental kilt hose may be optional, and may be worn only for special occasions or parades.

For more help, watch our Video on How to Wear a Kilt Outfit


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